SCH/SM, 2017
Interdisciplinary theatre 

Written, Directed, and Performed by Mariel Chee

β€œThe production was raw, illuminating and shone the light on something oft un-heard of. I found myself walking away enriched with nuggets of wisdom, but also immensely moved. ”

other works

Room for Rent, 2016
Site specific installation

Created by Mariel Chee & Sherlyn Goh

Experience what home means to someone who is homeless.

Running in the Family, 2015
Interactive web documentary

This web documentary captures both the intimate and dramatic stories of my antecedents, weaving it together into a living narrative.

(x) Dying to Live
by Lee Tzu Pheng

Every creative act is a kind of death

for the artist;
he exhausts himself
that the thing might live, might be.
Is not every art-creation then
an act of survival
when art itself becomes necessity?

I create because I must,
How else will we auscultate this world?